LEGGAT (Peterhead) 

The family of the late Mae Leggat wish to return their sincere appreciation to all relatives, friends and neighbours who have extended their sympathy to them by way of cards, letters, telephone calls, personal callers, flowers sent to their homes and also for the donations received at the church for chosen charities, which will be forwarded to Grangepark residents Comfort Fund, during the recent peaceful passing of their much loved mum, mother-in-law and Mama. Special thanks must be extended to all staff at Grangepark both past and present for their excellent tender care given during her stay with them for nearly past 3 years. Thanking family GP, Dr Phillips and also the nurses who attended to Mae at Grangepark. Thanking the Rev. Julia Pizzuto-Pomaco for her pastoral support and words of comfort in Peterhead New Parish Church and to the retired Rev. Barry Boyd, a very dear personal friend of Mae’s over many years, for his personal words at Moray Crematorium and to Adam Horton the organist along with all who joined with the family both in the church and at Moray Crematorium. 


KINNAIRD (Mintlaw/Kinloch) 


MASKAME (Peterhead)